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Drop Anchor

PREPARE YOUR EARS TO LISTEN AND YOUR HEART TO RECEIVE AS YOU TAKE IN THE WORDS THAT LOOK TO CHANGE LIVES, RENEW HEARTS AND OPEN MINDS How often have you found yourself in the deep? The deep could be having $10 in your bank account when you have $2,500 worth of bills laying on the table with a few of them already being past due. Your deep could be that you just found out that your child is pregnant and she hasn't graduated high school yet or it could be that you are in an undervalued relationship or one that you are struggling to maintain. Although we might not have the same issues or go through the same situations, we all dwell “in the deep” sometime within our lives. The commonality within us all, is that we have an anchor and where we drop our anchor best describes how your anchor affects you.

An anchor is something that is used to hold a particular item in place and also something that is reliable or is used as a principal support. Having a person to give you motivation, praise, and correct you when you are wrong is a valuable asset to have in your corner. Knowing and understanding that you have support while you are grounded allows you to be comfortable while "swimming in the deep."

But what does that same anchor look like when you are being held in a situation that you no longer desire to be apart of? You constantly keep fighting to move away from the unwanted situation or person but because your anchor is grounded so deep within, you find yourself stuck and unable to freely move or get away.

After serving in the Navy for 24 years, I learned more about anchors than I would care to admit, but one thing I did understand about this unique metal device, is that once it was routed to the bottom of the sea, that ship was not going anywhere.

While at anchor, the ship's position remained the same but due to tidal changes, weather and other ships causing waves, the trajectory of the ship would change, which could cause the ship to run over its anchor chain or drift into an object if it was not being constantly checked. Also, any part of that anchor or chain could endanger the safety of the crew and the ship. In order for this not to happen, regular maintenance and inspections were conducted and while the ship was at anchor, there was always someone monitoring the ship's position to ensure the anchor was not dragging.

What do you think would happen if the ship decided to leave while the anchor was still embedded into the bottom of the ocean? If you said "dragging anchor" you would be correct and that could lead to major accidents such as collisions, grounding, or being stranded. So in essence, prior to us getting underway, we knew the course in which we would be sailing and to retrieve the anchor so we could get to our next destination.

Remember this, while you are operating in the deep. First, you must inspect your anchor to see if it has been well maintained; are your relationships, finances, mind, body and soul operational?

Second, know how big your anchor is and how much chain you have so when you drop it, you are grounded in the right situation or with the right person to help you steady yourself as the life storms come.

Third, have you identified someone to watch over you as the storms change your trajectory? We all think that we can handle everything on our own but when we get tired, we slowly start to go down, so ensure you have that trusted confidant to keep you on track.

Lastly, are you anchored where you don't need to be? This could almost be as worse as not having an anchor. Not knowing when to leave and pick up your anchor in any situation, will leave you "dragging anchor" and causing you more wear and tear on yourself than need be?

A fact about a vessel that loses an anchor at sea is that not only can it not be grounded but the owner could incur additional charges for the recovery of that lost anchor. So when you are looking to drop your anchor, make sure you drop it down in a place with peace, love and gratitude so that you don't have to pay the cost of recovery. #SPEAK2MYHEART

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