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I'm Getting Prepared!

If you have a moment, I would like to take a trip down memory lane.

I remember back in elementary school at recess, we were told that we had to participate in organized sports such as basketball, kickball, touch football and soccer. Prior to starting those games, two kids would be chosen to be the team captains and their responsibility was to choose classmates who had the skill level, the love for that sport, or the size to become the winning team.

While the captains were surveying their prospects, the candidates would jump up and say "pick me, pick me" while the less athletic ones would shy off in the corner because they didn't want to play. No matter the reason, just imagine being the last one picked. How likely would that kid be, to go out and give 110% to help that team win?

Let's move up to modern times....

Employees are paid to do a job that they have applied for. Some employees do the bare minimum, some are average, but a small percentage of them go above and beyond the job description, all in the hopes that their efforts will be recognized to get a promotion or an award for their service to the company. How many times have you been that overachieving employee and seen that coworker that "you" felt was less qualified or lacked the superior performance as you, be recognized with a promotion or an award?

While in the Navy, I always found myself lagging behind my peers in making the next rank and when "I" felt that Shipmate was deserving of being promoted, I would congratulate them and when "I" didn't think it was well deserved, I would ask the question "why not me" or "why were they chosen over me?"

Everyday there is a single man or woman who may be looking for a potential mate and through years of watching their friends, colleagues, associates, and family members "hook up" and break up, they ask themselves "what's wrong with me, why can I not find someone." I can relate to this situation, because in my younger Navy days, I would go out with my friends and it would never fail that they would always leave "the spot" with either a phone number or a new friend, leaving me to wonder, "what's wrong with me and why was I not the one chosen to have a new person to communicate with?"

Whenever any of these situations come up, doubt enters our minds and we start to question ourselves and feel as if we are not deserving of having anyone or a meaningful relationship. Some of us have that concerned friend or two who provides us with inspiration, in the way of "don't worry about it" or "just be patient." Although these are comforting words on the surface, it doesn't help with the loneliness and emptiness that we feel inside.

Just know that there will be a time when you will not have to jump up and down to be picked, you will be recognized for your hard work by getting that promotion or award that you deserve and those feelings of being undervalued, lonely, and empty will be filled with happiness, grace and wholeness.

Focusing on the outcome and not the present situation will allow you to stop feeling pity for yourself. You have to understand that your outcome or blessing is already there and you are going through this period of time to ensure you are prepared to receive it." The work doesn't have to be applied to where you are going, the work has to be applied to you so when you get chosen or picked, you can handle the situation."

Philippians 3:13-14 in the King James Version states "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." #SPEAK2MYHEART

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