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Mindset Monday

We have survived the weekend to make it to Mindset Monday. Let's discuss hunger. We know how to satisfy the physical aspect of hunger but what about our emotional and spiritual fulfillment?

We as humans crave and desire for love, intimacy, and purpose. So, when those needs go unmet, there is a tendency to engage in erratic behaviors such as drinking more, doing drugs, chasing financial security, focusing heavily on career success, gaining affirmation from others, or start unwarranted relationships, just to "find ourselves."

Sometimes the moments that we have to ourselves is just that. This is the time you should be focusing on finding, rediscovering or rebranding yourself to become that better version of you. The over indulgence of anything is not good in any matter and we should never lose our hunger or appetite to be better, but doing it wisely is the key.

If you are in this season of your life, don't nibble at the little things that you think will make you full, but rather seek understanding so that you can satisfy yourself will the great feast that awaits you! #SPEAK2MYHEART

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